Pranayama Workshop med Guy Powiecki


Guy är tillbaka och denna gång kommer ni att få fördjupa er i pranayama, arbeta med bandhas (kroppslås) och även i kumbhakas (andningsuppehåll).

The next workshop will be developing the techniques we started and introducing some new ones. Going deeper into pranayama and working with the bandhas. We will advance with holding the breath or what is called kumbhaka. It should be an opportunity to have a more profound taste of what the breath work practice can be. Having a deeper effect on the bodies energy and on the nervous system. Ideally it would be people coming who had done the first workshop but it will be fine for beginners as well. We will try to work more individually with each person, so that they know what to work on when they go away.

Under dagen diskuterar vi till exempel varför Hathayoga lyfter fram pranayama som en av de kraftfullaste metoderna för personlig utveckling. Vi tittar på hur andningsträning kan stötta din fysiska hälsa samt vilka fördelar praktiken ger på en mental och känslomässig nivå. Tid finns för att ställa alla tänkbara frågor rörande teknik, bakgrund, syfte med mera.

You will learn and experience, in your own body, why pranayama is considered to be such a great tool for spiritual growth. Discussions and explanations on the details of practice gives a foundation for continuing your own personal program of exercises at home. This is a perfect opportunity to ask anything you have wanted to know about pranayama or to satisfy your curiosity about this profound art.

Short on Pranayama
The word ”pranayama” is often translated as ”expansion or elongation of life force” and it represents one of the main methods of classical hatha yoga. In this tradition of yoga, pranayama is maybe the most highly regarded tool to be used for creating a greater contact with the inner world and more subtle parts of us as human beings. Through regular pranayama we prepare the body and mind for further meditation practices.

About Guy

Guy first encountered yoga in an academic setting, specialising in Indian religions and Buddhism, while studying for a theology degree. Before working with yoga Guy also studied and worked as a personal trainer and nutritional adviser.

As a practitioner he sees the importance of practicing asana, pranayama and meditation as mutually supporting forms for spiritual growth. Guy discovered pranayama through Paul Dallaghan and is now a dedicated and senior student of, classical pranayama master, Sri O.P. Tiwari having been authorized to teach pranayama by him. Guy has studied Ashtanga Vinyasa with Richard Freeman, David Swenson and Chuck Miller. In learning meditation he spent time with a number of Buddhist teachers, from both Tibetan and Theravadan traditions, but more recently with a focus on Vipassana practice in the Mahasi Sayadaw lineage. Guy’s knowledge of the breath has been broadened by his interest in free diving.

20 april

Lör 14.00-17.00
Lärare: Guy Powiecki
Pris: 390 kr